How to Make a Blog - Quick & Easy!


I'm gonna show you how you can create this blog in just 17 minutes So, this is the blog we are going to create It is going to have your own blog address like this and then we're going to create this blog posts then we’re going to create this menu and then we’re also going to create this about me & this follow me section and then we’re going to create this about page and this contact page so that your readers can contact you Now, everything on this blog is going to be mobile friendly so it’s going to look perfect on any mobile device you use Before, 

Now the first step is to choose a name for your blog so let’s enter our blog name here I’m gonna keep it as and then click check availability once its available, we can go to the next step which is to get domain and hosting so let’s click here and this will take us to so we’re gonna use godaddy because they give the domain for free and also a discount on hosting so let’s click get started now just stick with this basic plan as this plan is perfect for any type of blog that you want to create so just scroll down and then select the term as 12 months and then let's scroll down and click continue now let’s enter the blog address here again which is techyfruit and then click search now click select and continue now just remove this office 365 and click proceed to checkout now click create an account and just fill-in your details choose any 4-digit number as your PIN and then click create account now enter your name and address and choose the payment method now click continue and place your order now, let’s complete the payment so, let’s set it up by clicking managed wordpress and then click next then again click next and now let’s enter a username and password for WordPress this will be used for logging into your blog then click install 

Now, WordPress will be installed once it's done let’s click get started and then click no thanks and click ok so now we’re inside this WordPress dashboard this is where you'll be able to control your blog now, when we reach this page our blog will also be online so, let’s quickly check that by logging out from here and now if we enter our blog address and then press enter you can see that our blog is now online. right now, it has this default wordpress look To install a new theme let’s login back to our blog You just need to add /slash login after your blog address and then press enter enter your username & the password and then click log in so, now we're back to our blog so, just go here and scroll down to step 3 now choose a theme that you like and then click this arrow and download that theme so the theme will now be downloaded on your computer now to install this theme let’s go back to our blog and then go to appearance and click themes now click add new theme and then click upload theme now click browse and select the theme which you've downloaded then click install and click activate now let’s view our blog 

so, as you can see, our blog has a new look now so, let’s go to this demo site the first thing that we’re going to add are these blog posts Blog posts are simply the articles that you post to your blog so, to add your first post let’s go back to our blog and then go to new and click post now, let's enter the title for our post and then paste the content and now let's add a featured image so a featured image is something which appears on your blog like this so to add that let’s go back to our blog here and then click set featured image and then drag & drop an image that you want to use and click set featured image now let's publish it and see how it looks As you can see, we’ve created our first blog post so, this is how you can post articles to your blog Next we’re gonna see how to change the title of our blog right now, we’ve this default title so to change it let’s go to customize and then click site identity now, let’s enter our blog name and we’ll also add a tagline and then click save & publish so now, we’ve changed the title of our blog 

Next let's see how to create this menu so to create this menu let’s go back to our blog and then click here and click menus now let’s click add the menu and let’s name this menu as menu1 and click create menu now we need to choose where we want our menu to appear on our blog so, I’m gonna select it as main navigation which will make the menu appear, here so, now let’s add the items to the menu so, let’s click add items and first let’s click home and it will be added to the menu next, we'll add a new page called about and then we’ll add a page called contact Okay! So, now we have a home, about and contact in the menu so, let’s click save and publish and now if you see here you can see that we’ve added the menu to our blog now, the next item that we’re going to add to our menu is the category pages so, what are category pages? If we see in this demo site we can see that this post has a small tag called videos and then this post has a small tag called reviews

 now, what this means is that this post is under the category of videos and then this post is under the category of reviews now, if we add these categories to the menu and when a user clicks videos it will show all the posts that are under the category of videos this will make it easy for the user to browse your blog and get the information they need Okay! So, now let's see how we can apply this to our blog so, let's go back to our blog and if you see here you can see that we do not have any categories, right now so let’s create them first so, just click the post that we created before and then click edit post now just click add a new category and we’ll enter a category called how-to and then click adds new category now as we’ve added this category, let’s uncheck this and then click update now let’s add 1 more post in a separate category. so, let’s click add new and let’s enter a title for our new post and then paste the content and, let’s create a new category called news and then click add new category now, we’ve added the category now, let's add a featured image so, just choose the image that you want and then drag & drop it here and then click set featured image now click publish

 so, now when we go to appearance and then click menus and then click categories You can see here that we’ve got the categories that we just created so just select them and click add to menu now, let’s re-arrange this and then click save menu now, let’s view our blog so, now you can see here that we've added the category pages to the menu now, when a user clicks how-to it will only show the posts that are under how-to so this is how you create categories and add them to the menu Next let's see how to create this about page Now an about page is important because it tells the readers about you so to create this let's go back so, previously we created this about page but we didn't add any content so let's add the content now just make sure you’re on this page and then click edit now add the content now to add an image just click here and then click add media now choose the picture that you want to use and then select the size I’m gonna keep it as full size and then click insert into page now click update and, then let’s view our page so, we now have our about page Next, we’re going to add content to our contact page so, when we go to our contact page you can see that, it’s empty right now so, we’ll add this contact form so that people can contact us 

so, in order to create this form we need to install a plugin let’s go back to our blog and then go to our dashboard and then go to plugins and click add new and then let’s search for a plugin called Contact Form 7 when you see that, just click install now and then click activate now a new menu item will be added here as Contact so, just click that you’ll see this default contact form there and next to which you’ll find this short code so, just select that and copy the code and then go to pages and then click edit under contact and then paste that code here now click update and now let’s view our page so, now we have our Contact form now whenever a user fills out this form and clicks send Now, the next item that we’re going to add to our blog is the social sharing buttons so, these buttons will make it easy for your readers to share your articles so, to add that let’s go back to our blog and then go to dashboard and then go to plugins and click add new now let’s search for a plugin called Social by Danny when you find it just click install now and then click activate so that's it the button will now be added so, let’s check that by going back to our blog and then click any of our blog posts and now when you scroll down you can see that we’ve now added the social sharing buttons now when we click here we can now share this post on Facebook Next we’re going to see how to add these social media links 

Now, these links will help your readers to find you on social media sites so, to add that let’s go back to our blog and then click customize and go to menus now, let’s create a new menu for our social media links so, just click here and let’s name it as social and then click create menu now, choose the location as social menu and then click add items now go to custom links and then enter the social media links which you want to add so, if you want to add facebook just enter your facebook page url and then just type facebook and click add to menu now do the same for twitter and type twitter and then click add to menu and lastly we’ll add the google+ link the text as google+ and then click add to menu so, now we’ve added all the social media links so, let’s click save and publish and then let’s go back Okay! So, now we’ve added the social media links now if we click here It will take you to your Facebook page Next, we’re gonna see how to add this about the author section below all the blog posts Now, this section will help your readers to know about the author of the article so, to add that let’s go back to our blog and then go to the dashboard and then under users click your profile now, scroll down and enter the name and then the bio you can also add your profile picture by going to this link and so once you’re done just click update profile now, if we go back to our blog and then see below this post You can see here that we’ve got the about the author section Okay! 

So, next we’re gonna see how to get this same thing on the sidebar so, in order to get this we need to install a plugin so, let’s go back to our blog and then go to plugins and click add new now, let’s search for a plugin called Smart Author and then press enter now, when you find this just click install now and then click activate now let’s go to appearance and then go to widgets now, find this Meks Smart Author widget and drag it into the sidebar now, let’s name this section as about me and then scroll down and click save now, let’s go back to our blog and then refresh the page so, now we got this about me section on the sidebar Okay.. so now lets see how to add these social media links on the sidebar so, to add these links we need to again install a plugin so, let’s go back to our blog and then go to plugins and click add new now, let’s search for a plugin called smart social now, when you find this, just click install now and then click activate now, let’s go to appearance and then click widgets now, find the Meks Social widget and then drag & drop it here now, let’s add some text here and then add the social media links so, I’m going to add my facebook link then the twitter link and the google+ link once you’re done just click save now, if you go back to your blog and refresh the page You can see here that we’ve got the social media links Okay..

 So, finally, we’re going to add this read more section Now, this section will help your readers to continue reading more of your articles so, in order to add that let’s go back to our widget page and then you’ll find this widget called Shamrock posts so, just drag and drop it here and then let’s name it as read more and then scroll down and click save and now if we go back to our blog and then click refresh You can see here, that we’ve got this read more section Okay! So, now we’ve added all the items in our blog. So, this is how it looks! So, there you go Guys. We now have a fully functional blog created in just a few minutes Now, you can create your blog just by clicking this button So, just click start now to start making your blog So, that’s it! I hope that you liked this ARTICLE ,

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